PPC campaigns are a great way to get relevant good traffic and fast.
Below you can find a keyword list you can download, recommended text ads and high traffic PPC platform.

Keywords List

Click on Download and get a list of the top converting keywords divided to relevant Softarama software you can use in your PPC campaigns.

Recommended PPC Platformes

there a lot of places you can advertise and pay per click on the web here is a list of those that we recomend the most:

, , Msn adCenter , Ask, Miva, , Adbrite.

Recommended Text Ads

Here are some good text ads variations you can try we recommend that you’ll’ wroth your own but you can rely on the general flow of those:


Headline: Best Passwords Manager
Body: Protects your Passwords in a Vault
Impassable – Easy, Fast and Safe!

Captain Optimizer:

Headline:Tune-up Your PC
Body: Make it run like new again
One click Scan, Clean and Repair

Registry Commander:

Headline: Having PC problems?
Body: Fix Your PC with Registry Commander
Boost Speed and Fix Errors in 2 min

Privacy Sentinel:

Headline: Secure your online privacy
Body: Your online traces are out there
Protect yourself – Fast and Easy