Monthly Archives: October 2010

Lisp, ancient language revived…

My first program with lisp was so long ago I care not to remember, but now there seems to be a revival to old coding approaches (i.e. functional programming) and languages such as in the new lisp book: “The Land … Continue reading

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Multilingual Flex Interfaces

A fresh way for supporting multilingual flex interfaces: Instead of the usual form (from an Adobe development center post): …text=”{resourceManager.getString(‘resources’, ‘POSTDISPLAY_POST_TITLE’)}”… The label looks more like: …text=”{gS['POSTDISPLAY_POST_TITLE']}”… The gS is actually a static object (i.e. hash map) that I load with … Continue reading

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Shared memory in RoR

Shared memory in RoR Continue reading

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from MySQL to NoSQL, Some good reading

a new post by Yoshinori Matsunobu on using a community MySQL server as a no-sql solution. Continue reading

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Flex for Rails Scaffolding (cont) – the controller template

I’ve made a little improvement to my development process, in such a way that the scaffolding i do for creating the web services I later use for my flex client are generated in their final form without the need to adjust them. Continue reading

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Passing a Byte Array through JSON

Its a well known issue when communicating complex structures between client and server, using the JSON encoding. I’ve encountered it when attempting to transfer an encrypted Byte Array back and forth between a client and server, that communicate via JSON. … Continue reading

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Flex For Rails Scaffold

I’ve written a little component for connecting flex with rails scaffold as close as possible. Step 1: Create a scaffold for Card Within your rails application run the script: ./script/generate scaffold card id:integer timeStamp:timestamp data:text (data types with Ruby and … Continue reading

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