A New Release for AAdmin 0.3 by Valueshine Labs this December

The Valueshine AAdmin new version 0.3 is due to release by the end of December 2010.

The AAdmin is a fast add-on with a RoR server side and a Flex client side.

The RoR server side is structured upon the standard Rails scaffolding with a twist. The scaffolding means that setting up the server to connect to any database is a one line command on the consul. The twist is having an alternative controller template that renders XML back to the client instead of the standard redirection to the view.

The Flex AAdmin client side is a dynamic application that adapts itself to the structure it perceives from the server for every entity is handles. This means that in order to have the basic CRUD (Create Read Update and Delete) functionality no change is required on the client side.

On the other hand, the client is capable of handling a verity of display components, that anyone may write and add on in a matter of configuration. Current release is equipped with a table view that supports all CRUD functionality and a graph view for reporting.

This version will be free for download and use at the Valueshine Labs site.

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