What's new at Softarama?
Seniorama-Pointer™ official release
Seniorama-Pointer™, a unique, innovative senior-friendly desktop computer application that helps the senior community use computers with higher confidence. Seniorama Pointer includes basic computer applications such as Email, Internet, Photo Gallery, Skype™ and more - "tailored" for the elderly with large, clear, friendly user interface - with enhanced accessibility in mind.
We're proud to announce that Captain Optimizer has been acclaimed "Best software program of the year" by Cloudeight Internet. The review was published to summarize the passing year's developments.
Softarama releases information about "Seniorama" - application for veterans.
Now anyone can easily use the computer, no need for prior knowledge.
We've just released our first company tech blog. Visit https://softarama.com/labs for additional details.
We've released a brand new version of Registry Commander 2011 edition, featuring an exciting new design!
This version now scans and optimizes your registry, faster and more accurately.
We are doing the best we can so your computer will run smoother, faster and with less crashes
After thoroughly researching and listening to what users had to say- we are happy to announce the final version of Captain optimizer has been launched.
The new version optimizes windows 7 system to accelerate the PC performance, Fix windows errors, stop almost all known crashes and improve system general performance.
The scan GUI is improved and much more user friendly...
"Captain Optimizer is the best option to maintain your system and make it run effectively. "
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